Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

# SeLamaT HaRi BaPa #

Alhamdulillah…ucapan syukur dipanjatkan buat Rabbul Jalil..Selawat dan salam buat junjungan besar rasul SAW,ahli keluarga serta sahabat baginda dan juga tabi’-tabiin..
Rasanya masih belum terlambat untuk saya mengucapkan hari bapa untuk insan2 yang bergelar bapa..Sesungguhnya jasa seorang bapa itu amatlah besar dan tidak boleh dibanding dengan nilai bayaran..Setitis keringat yang mengalir di dahi tua seorang bapa,sudah tentu tidak ada yang lain dalam hatinya kecuali jihad untuk membesarkan anak-anak tersayang dan ingin melihat anak-anaknya berjaya..

Teman…beruntunglah sekiranya kamu masih lagi mempunyai dan mendapat kasih sayang seorang ayah. Hargai lah kasih sayang tersebut kerana apabila kau kehilangannya kelak,amat la terasa yang dirimu sangat memerlukannnya untuk menjadi pembakar semangat buat dirimu di hari muka..

Teman…Seandainya sekarang ini sebutir permata yang berharga buatmu telah tiada..Usah kau sedih dengan kehilangannya dan pemergiaannya.. Sekiranya ketika hayatnya masih ada dulu, ada perkara yang kau telah membuatkannya sedih,iringilah ia dengan doa..sesungguhnya tiada apa yang diharapkan oleh seseorang yang telah meninggalkan kita melainkan 3 perkara dan salah satu darinya ialah doa seorang anak yang soleh/solehah.. Jadikan kehilangan permata tersebut sebagai satu cabaran buatmu untuk bangun menjadi ummah yang terbilang akhlaknya. Tiada sebab untuk ka uterus menyerah kalah dengan perginya sebutir mutiara yang salama ini berkilauan dalam hidupmu..

Teman,hargailah sebuah kasih sayang seorang lelaki yang bergelar dan pernah bergelar ayah dalam hidupmu kerana sesungguhnya tiada lagi kasih sayang yang boleh diberikan oleh orang lain sama seperti ‘lelaki’ itu..

*** Terima Kasih tak terhingga ku ucapkan buat insan yang bergelar ayah..Ku doa segala Jasamu membesarkan dan mendidik anak-anak sehingga berjaya menjadi insan yang berakhlak mulia itu,akan mendapat ganjaran yang tak ternilai dari Allah SWT.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

# AlHaMduLiLLaH #

Alhamdulillah...Berkat kesabaran dan keinginan,akhirnya Allah makbulkan jua keiginan diri ini utk melangkah kesana..Moga2 dengan kehadiran diri ini ke sana suatu masa dulu akan menjadi saksi di negeri abadi.. Ya Allah,moga diri ini masih diberi peluang untuk menjengah lagi untuk kali yang seterusnya..Ameen..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

# Happy BitrhDay MummY #


Happy birthday...Mummy
Even though you might prefer
Life without these markers,
Each too public to defer.
Now that you are fifty,
Sing to us your own sweet song,
That we might celebrate your life,
Rejoicing all night long.
Each of us has love to bring,
Each a special song to sing,
To lose your heart among.

Happy birthday to the one I love!
All my joy goes out to you today!
Perhaps I learned, the months you were away,
Part of me moves always as you move.
You're the yearning distance can't remove,
Bringing life to reveries cold and gray;
In thoughts of you my dreams and passions play,
Rejoicing in a hope that time will prove.
Today I celebrate your day of birth,
Happy in the hour that brought you here,
Drawn by all the music of your worth,
A time for gratitude that you are near.
You are the one on Earth I hold most dear.

To My Mummy......

I really love my mummy, and I
Never will forget her,
And all the things she does for me,
Like making me feel better,
Like when she buys me lots of stuff,
A raincoat or a sweater,
Or when she takes time from her work
So we can play together.
Sometimes when I'm feeling sad,
She makes me glad again,
With just a little kiss-and-hug
That takes away all pain.
So happy birthday, Mummy! I want
This day to be for you,
For everything you are to me
And all the things you do.


# HoW MucH aRe We MissiNg

In the name of Allah,the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious...

" I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is not a moving creature but He has the grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight Path ( the truth )" [11:56]
Everyday when we are up and ready,living our day to day lives,all of us have definitely come across these miniature beings lining up after the other, ardently toiling to carry food to their nest. But have you ever stopped to wonder what kind of purpose of these tiny living beings might have in working so hard? The ant lifts crumbs much bigger than its body. It carries them to its nest with heart and soul. Did the realization hit you that not only does the ant carry food for itself,but also for other members of its colony,for the queen and baby ants? How such a tiny ant,which does not even have a developed brain, comprehends such diligence,discipline and self-sacrifice?
" And We send the winds fertilizing,and cause water to descend from the sky, and give it to you to drink. It is not ye who are the holders of the store thereof " [15:21]
Imagine it is time for the zuhr prayers and you are on your way to the masjid. It is really hot and there are tiny drops of perspiration glistening on your forehead. You turn around the corner and a long refreshing breeze softly greets you n the face. It uplifts your spirit and energizes your soul. What if Allah hadn't blessed us with this revitalizing breeze? Can you imagine your world so still, the oceans without waves, no rustling of leaves or swaying of trees? The Creator has blessed us with this natural air conditioning system to help us sustain the sweltering heat and go on carrying out our responsibilities with ease and comfort. Little thanks do we give........